Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Sam's 1st Day of School

The day finally came for Sam to go to school. I have been dreading this day - not because I don't want Sam to go to school. He is SOOOO excited and so ready, but I'm sad to have this part of my life come to a close. We are starting a new chapter in our kids' lives that I don't think I was quite ready for. My kids will no longer be with me always, they are out experiencing and learning new and great things, and this sometimes scares me. I'm encouraged by Sam's intelligence and his ability to adapt to change well, but I'm so sad to have him gone. He has been my constant companion for 6 years. There were times when I was ready to send him to any school that would take him, and other times when I thought I couldn't live without him there to help me, to talk to me, and to be my oldest. The time came, and the I say with great pride that I didn't cry. (I did all of my crying the night before, okay sobbing better describes it). I put him on the bus, and sent him away.

A tender mercy came in the fact that he had a 2 hour delay, so I got an extra two hours to prepare for the inevitable. And yes, he came back in one piece looking older and happy with a day complete. I asked him about his day - he said he had the coolest t-shirt on, which was awesome. He also liked art and being able to eat his lunch in the lunchroom. His teacher's name is Mrs. Krauss, and we'll get to meet her in a week and see his classroom. He woke up this morning, early like the responsible boy he is and got dressed right away. He's so excited for school and I'm excited for him.


Lacey and Zach said...

You have such cute kids Meg! It was so awesome to see you all at the reunion. I love seeing that everyone is doing so good! Karter started school this year also, and it seems so crazy that we have kids old enough for school.

Anonymous said...

Yay for you and Sam both surviving the first day! p.s. that is the COOLEST shirt ever (kassius has it too and LOVES it)

Jennilyn said...

Yeah Sam! We are so proud of you. Landon said your shirt was "so Cool"