Tuesday, September 4, 2012

30 Weeks

I feel a little neglectful that I haven't really reported anything on my pregnancy other than the gender.  I'm 30 weeks, and don't have a lot of pictures of my belly, which now looking back I'm sad about.  This is the most recent most complete belly shot - pretty poor showing.  Here's somethings about baby boy #3 pregnancy:

He is a mover and a shaker!  The little man literally does gymnastics in my belly and the kids get the biggest kick out of seeing my belly contort and move.

During his 20 week ultrasound the tech noticed a "spot" in the baby's abdomen and we were sent to a neonatal ultrasound specialist.  The spot continues to be a mystery, but not a worry.  It has been called a gallbladder, stool, and most recently an enlarge rectum....all of which are nothing to be worried about.  

However I continue to go into the doctor every month just to monitor the situation.  
I have seen Baby Boy 5 times and with a different tech each time - and everyone comments on how "active" he is.  To which I just nod and laugh, because he's making their job a little more difficult than usual.  I have loved seeing him as often as I have, and especially getting the 4-D pictures.  This next one should really show us who he looks like!

I am experiencing a lot more physical symptoms with this pregnancy which has created this huge sense of awe in any woman who has more than 4 children!  I just don't know if I can do this again.  I'm not ruling it out because I'm not sure that I'm done, but as of 30 weeks.... I feel like this pregnancy might cause me to throw in the towel.  My feet are swollen, and I have a HUGE spider vein that looks like someone took a bat to me.  I feel like I should be elevating my feet more than anything else I do all day. But on the plus.... my blood pressure rocks!!! The only thing I look forward to when I go into my check up is seeing how low it remains!    

The kids are sooooo excited about having another baby - but we all wished we had a name chosen.  I don't know why but we can't find a name that just feels right.  This is so strange for me because with the other three, their were Sam - Jack - Olyvia from conception!  It just felt that way, not this little guy!  

I'm super excited to have another boy - I thought I might be disappointed to not have the perfect two and two situation that I always dreamed of, but I love little boys, and Lyv!  It just seems right.

Finally I'm admittedly anxious about having 4 kiddos.  I feel like there are times when I've got things pretty much under control, and then life unravels before my eyes, fingers are caught in doors, kids are sick, we're out of milk and bread, its 3 p.m. and I haven't showered! I just need to start working on taking life one day at a time, and for those of you who know what a planner I am.... I'm not good at living in the moment! (Unless its been on the calendar for a month)  

1 comment:

Jennilyn said...

30 weeks baby! YEAH You always look adorable, spider veins and all! Good luck on the next 10 weeks or so. I am going through my boys stuff to send you a box. Let me know if there are any students driving through this way. Or I will just mail it. Hang in there.