Friday, September 21, 2012

What's in a Name?

Baby boy Summers is still nameless.  To be quite frank this is driving me crazy.  While scrubbing the toilet I go through variations of names. While lying in bed at night I try different combinations of names we've already talked about and put on the back burner.  While cooking, while showering, while sweeping the floor, while reading books and watching movies or t.v. I try to spot new names that haven't occured to me before!  It is becoming quite a tasking job!

So what is in a name?  For me a name is foundationally important.  To quote the famous Julianne Hill, (AKA my mother) "Remember WHO YOU ARE" - my name constantly reminds me of who I am.  We gave Sam, Jack and Olyvia names with purpose, attachment, and meaning - so when they think of their names they will remember who they are, what is expected of them, and hopefully of those people who share that name and love them dearly.  
The fact that little man continues to be nameless is haunting me.... but until the right name comes, here are some pictures I've failed to post of ultrasounds we've had.  I went to my final ultrasound on the Sept. 19, and the doctor said that the lesion of concern was GONE!  So no more visits - and just a very active and healthy boy.  The tech also indicated that the baby is probably around 4.8 lbs.  This scares me because I'm afraid I'm going to have a 12 lb. baby by November 8th.  That will not fly, so me and the baby might be going on a diet!)  

Here's some of the 3-D images of his face.  He has a tendency to put his hands by his face so some images were blocked by hands and even a foot as in the 2nd picture.  I keep thinking he looks like Jack - but then I get a glimpse of Sam, so we'll see.
 Here are some 20 week pictures of his toes and his profile that I love!


Mandi said...

I agree completely. Naming a baby is sooo hard and I think boys are harder than girls too. Good Luck with that, I love all your kids names so I'm sure you will come up wirth something perfect!

allison said...

it's okay none of our kids had names until a few hours before we came home from the hospital. I'm sure whatever you pick will be perfect for them. (Nov 8th is my Madi's birthday, :) it's a good day.)

All your kids are so grown up and darling. Best of Luck these last couple months of being pregnant, glad everything is going good.