Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Apple Picking

Our first year in New York we discovered Dubios Farms and fell in love with the honey crisp apples and the grounds of these farms.  On Labor Day we visited the farm for our last time and it was probably my favorite visit.  The apples were on early this year because of the warm temperatures - and we filled two bags to the brim.  Shawn felt like quite the man with his apple picker, and the kids were a little too helpful finding apples (some that weren't quite ripe) to add to our baskets.

The weather was perfect, and it wasn't crowded at all.  The owners of this farm are incredibly nice and each time I feel "the love".  This year they offered to drive me around on the golf cart... I'd like to think it was because I'm so attractive, but I think the protruding pregnant belly had more to do with it!

 After apple picking, we headed down to the playhouses - a miniature school house, a jail, a barn, etc. and watched the kiddos run back and forth between them.  Lyv loved to peek-a-boo through the windows of each house and say "I'm here!"  Then we saw the goats, ponies, chickens, and sheep.  The goats were really friendly and would taste anything the kids would offer.

 We rode the wagon back to the car pulled by the John Deere tractor - Jack loved this because it wasn't too fast, and enjoyed fresh out of the fryer apple cider donuts!  Wow! They were pretty much melt in your mouth amazing...  It was a perfect way to say goodbye to apple picking in the Empire State.

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