Saturday, November 3, 2012

Halloween 2012

Halloween was great this year.  This might have been due to all the events prior to All Hallows Eve had being cancelled or postponed for Tropical Storm Sandy, but we had a great, easy going day.  I tried to make the kids meals ghoulish as possible, dinner being the highlight with Mummy Dogs, Lips, Witches Brooms, and glasses full of blood!)  The kids picked out their costumes: we have - 
Minnie Mouse "Princess"
We were able to trick or treat for the first time since moving here.  We went with our friends the Thun's in a great neighborhood where one of Shawn's attending's lives.  This was a gold mine for the kids - they were handing out full sized candy bars.  

I told Shawn to put on the Minnie Mouse ears and hit up those houses again.  He put on the ears, but refused to trick or treat!  Can you believe that?  The kids are at a great age to go, especially the boys.  They ran from house to house, knocked on the doors with us trailing along.  

It took me back to the good ol' days of trick or treating as a child.  1st I don't remember ever going with my parents... I just remember coming home after dark and unloading a HUGE bag full of candy.  I usually went with some friends in the neighborhood or J.D. and we took it seriously.  We RAN from house to house, trying to get as much candy as possible.  Back then...(yes this sounds like geriatric lingo) candy was mainly Tootsie Rolls, butterscotch candies, and if you were lucky some PB cups or Snickers!  My kids got the biggest variety of candy and treats I've ever seen!   
Tonight we go to our ward party and after much debate, and basically procrastinating far too long to come up with something better ta-da! Here We Are:.....Mary and Joseph.


Beth Willmore said...

Oh my heck I love the Mary and Joseph!

I'm not going to lie, when I took the kids to Grandma Hansen's on Halloween I was very tempted to let them trick or treat your parents' house just because I remember doing it as a kid!!

Jennilyn said...

Awesome costumes Meg! You make a beautiful Mary!!! Hope you are doing OK and wish you the best.

Freeman Family said...

Love the costumes! Sam is a very good Dracula! We made some of your yummy recipes for Halloween dinner too! Miss ya..thinking about you a ton!

Julie said...

So proud of Sam! He is such a cute soccer player. I love the kids Halloween costumes...very cute! You and Shawn make a great Mary and Joseph. You are such a pretty expectant mommy! Take care. We love you all. See you soon.