Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Little Ms. Poopy Pants

Jake kept making fun of the constant discussion of poop when he was out for Thanksgiving, but lately it is in the forefront of our lives thanks to Lyv.  I got this wild hair about 2 weeks before having Max and decided that she needed to be potty trained.  She took right to going pee, but REFUSES - I mean Refuses to poop in the toilet.  So that leaves the nasty stuff in her underwear.  I'm so torn because she has been so good with everything else: she never has accidents, is always dry in the morning, and she even wakes up in the night if she needs to go.... I don't want to go back to diapers!  But.... how long can I stand this.  We've tried everything - bribes, rewards, consequences, I've even hung not watching Disney Jr. over her head....yet to no avail!  So until she finally decides it's a better option to just do her duty in the toilet, she'll be Ms. Poopy Pants.  YUCK!

 On a sweeter note: Lyv has fallen in love with Max.  She loves to hold him, to kiss him, to hug him... maybe a little too much!  She is always saying how cute he is.  When he cries she runs to get me, and she always is telling me to feed him, to hold him, to stay with him.  She even suggested the other day that Max would be her Prince, since she is a pretty princess.  I'm so glad she loves him and isn't jealous of him.  He is pretty much the greatest thing that has happened to our house in the past 2 years.


Jilene said...

Eli was the same way! I hated having to clean all those poopy underwear! Hopefully she grows out of it soon. :)

Freeman Family said...

Oh geez..she is Claire all over again! I feared she would NEVER poop in the potty! I kept telling her princess' don't poop in their underwear, but she didn't care. We talk poop a lot around her too. Usually at really inappropriate times, like at the dinner table! Good luck! Love you!