Monday, January 14, 2013

Max 2 Months

I can't believe Max is two months old!  Where has the time gone?  He continues to pack on the pounds, and we continue to love the rolly-polly boy that he is.  I've been experimenting with some photo opps and posted a few of my favorites.  At 2 months, Max is smiling all of the time.  He is so close to giggling, I'm sure it will only be another week or two.  He is very alert and follows all of us with his eyes when we come into view.  He loves to chew on his fists and tucks his thumb under his pointer and middle finger.  It makes it a little difficult to suck, but he shoves the whole thing in his mouth and goes to town.

The kids are all completely enamored by him - but who could really help it, with those chubby kissable cheeks.  He goes in at the end of the week for his check up, and will find out how much more he's grown.  His hemangioma hasn't grown, but continues to be quite a "conversation" piece (everyone asks "What is that?")  We feel so blessed each and everyday for his sweet smile, and his adorable baby talk.


Beth Willmore said...

LOVE the tie pictures, what a cute idea! Also love it that he's chubby - that's the best way for a baby to be! (But for some weird reason it's NOT ok for a mom to be chubby? Rude!)

Freeman Family said...

Oh I wish you were closer so I could snuggle him! Love all the pictures, he is simply adorable. Miss you!