Saturday, January 5, 2013

Ringin' in the New Year

It is tradition for my family to have a Rockin' Eve of their own in Idaho.  We haven't been in attendance for 3 years now, and I was missing the food, the fun, and the celebratory mood.  So I pinterested my way into an exciting night for the Summers' Family.  We filled 6 balloons with confetti and the name of a game we would play each hour until midnight.  It turned out great, and the kids loved popping the balloons and dancing around in the confetti.  We made Cafe Rio pork, and feasted on brownies and coconut cream pie.  Jack the master of drinks sipped the wassle and the Party Punch (Sprite/CranRaspberry Juice). 2012 was a great year full of really excited and memorable events and adventures.  I am so grateful for a year of blessings, and I'm excited for the new adventures and experiences 2013 will bring to our family.

Games included - Just Dance, Candyland, Disney Scene It, Yahtzee, 
Scategories, Charades, & Uno!

 This is Shawn contemplating why his wife insists that he wear "clothes".  That doesn't sound right.  As of late, he has been coming home and changing right into comfy clothes.  I'm a lover of comfy clothes, but if I always wore my pjs and sweats - wouldn't he get sick of seeing me in them? (okay maybe Shawn wouldn't care...but) So I made a comment on him changing into real clothes.  To be a smart A** - he broke out his most hated sweater.  He calls it the gay sweater, but I think he looks nice.  So I snapped a shot of him in his Big Boy clothes, sipping his wassle!

Sam is the only child survivor until midnight.  At 10:30 Lyv got up and announced she was going to bed, and crawled in all by herself.  Jack tried his darndest....but alas, succumbed to sleep at 11:30.  Sam stayed awake until 1:00, at which point Shawn told him to go to bed!  WooHoo to the New Year!


Jilene said...

Kaelub hates sweaters! I laughed when I read this. :) I can hear him saying that. So funny.

Beth Willmore said...

You are such a fun mom - good job on your own party! Also - I am DYING about Shawn's gay sweater, so hilarious! Hey at least he gets into comfy clothes, Jared just strips down to his garments for the night! A little awkward when the neighbors knock on the door or something...

Jennilyn said...

Love your BIG BOY clothes...FYI same problem at our house. Loved chatting with you last night. You give me hope for the next month. Miss you guys.