Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Bag Tag

I got a tag from Cortney where I had to dump out the contents of my purse. Well first my purse is more of a bag, and I've never been a purse/bag carrying girl until about two years ago - so my contents are still rather lame. I guess you could say that I'm extremely low maintainance. Here's what was there:
1. A gum wrapper
2. Sam's sticker's from the doctor
3. Sam's pack of Juicy Fruit
4. A bag of M&M's (also Sam's)
5. Cell phone
6. Pen - courtesy of Aunt Judy
7. My wallet
8. Handsanitizer
9. Sunglasses
10. A reciept from Great American Cookies (Yum!)

Thanks Cort for the tag and I tag Andrea, Emily, Erica, Jilene, Kristan, Mic, Nathalie, & Steff. Can't wait to see what exciting things you have in you bags!


cortney and neil said...

Cute bag. I wish my bag had m & m's in them. So I am dog sitting in Island park and got the great idea to take my kids up swimming. It was a great idea until she told me it was 10 bucks a person if you aren't a member. So I lied and said I was a Siddoway. I hope Grandma Jean won't mind. :) We had a lot of fun.

Andrea said...

LOVE those yummy cookies from Great American.

I'll be completely honest...I know I would totally "cheat" and clean out my whole purse before I actually posted the contents of it. My purse is a mess its embarrasing. And can I just say how excited I am for preschool this year??? Their new teachers seem so cool and like they will be awesome for the kids. YAY