Saturday, August 23, 2008

Sam's Saturday Soup

When we last left you, you could see that Sam was in major need of a haircut. I hesitated because all of the experiences with cutting Sam's hair have been unpleasant to say the least. Luckily our friend Kristan did a great job and with a little help of M&M's and fast cutting skills we successfully trimmed Sam's hair. He looks so handsome - thanks Kristan you are the best.

Sam's lastest exciting news came as a result of Craigslist. We found a John Deere Pedal tractor for a great price and couldn't turn it down. We picked it up today and Sam has had a blast dump rocks from our landscaping onto the drive way and "checking out the farm" as he puts it.

We also hit Raccoon River this week and enjoyed the sandy beach and the spray park. Really if you haven't been there you have to go, minus the really nasty looking water which is questionably warm the kids had a ball digging in the sand and running back and forth in the water. Not to mention that they can spray off just before you leave so you don't have to bring the beach with you.Finally - we are 2 weeks and counting down Baby Jack's arrival. As of my doctor's appointment on Friday there is not anything signficant or hopeful to think it will be earlier, so we've dusted off the running shoes and started walking every chance we get. Here's a picture (courtesy of Jennilyn) of a GREAT profile shot. Wow my belly is out there!!!


{Erica} said...

score on the tractor!! My girls would love having that too.

Love the side profile of your belly. You look so good for being 3 weeks away from having Mr. Jack :)

Anonymous said...

You look so adorable! You win for the cutest pregnant shot. Sam has the best smile...and of course you would buy him a tracter

Ashton & Co. said...

That tractor is way too cool! I know three little girls who woul dlove to go for a ride on that one day...

That river looks like fun! Reminds me a little of Rigby Lake?!!

You look so cute Meg! Your belly is perfect. It looks like you swallowed a volleyball- sorry to hear of no earlier than expected upcoming events, but you know he can't stay in forever!! He'll eventually get here! Take care!

Ashton & Co. said...

Oops! I forgot to mention how absolutely adorable Sam looks with his shiny new cut. What a doll!

Debbi said...

Love sam's hair cut! He looks so handsome. I think you look awesome, you could just be a girl standing there with a basketball in her shirt! Seriously, you look great!

cortney and neil said...

I love the tractor. It is a necessity for checking the farm. You are looking so cute pregnant. The last two weeks are so hard, because you are so ready.

Julie said...

Sam looks awesome with his"ears lowered". What a cute little face! You look like you are ready to have Jack! We are all excited for his arrivial. See you soon....keep the pictures coming on the to look at them. Love you all!

Anonymous said...

Sam is such a handsome little man! He seriously was SO good! Pretty sure I am heading to the tanning salon! DANG I look SO WHITE in that picture!

I too love your profile shot! You look so cute! AND TINY!!!

allison said...

cute tractor! and I love your cute belly. How exciting only 2 weeks.

crapo family said...

okay Meg - 3 weeks to go and you look like this! so not fair!!!

Andrea said...

SWEET tractor...I am already jealous! Very cool that you got it on Craig's list for such a good deal. Apparently I need to be checking that site out now. You are such the cute pregnant chick! Hang in there--SOON he will be here!!