Monday, September 8, 2008

Coming Home

We made it home yesterday and we happy to be back. Jack is such a great baby and so loved. He has been a very hungry eater and sleeping well, which I really appreciate. Thank you to all of you have helped out with Sam and wished us well, we have been so blessed to finally get him here and couldn't have done it without you!s

I love this picture because of Sam's big cheesy grin and Jack's sad cry - its like he knows what's in store . . .
Jack's Take Home Outfit - makes him look like a little old man!

Pretty Flowers from Sam and Shawn - what nice boys I have!

Our Birth Story(for those who want to know): I had gone in for a doctor appointment Friday morning and nothing seemed to be happening, so they scheduled me for an induction on Monday morning. The doctor stripped my membranes during the visit - but I still didn't think much would happen. We settled in for the night and I was feeling a little pressure and contraction like tightening, but nothing great so I didn't tell Shawn about anything until about 10:00 pm when they started to be consistent and more intense. I figured no matter what it would big a long labor process, so I suggested we go to bed and try to sleep. At about 11:30 my water broke!! Ahhh - but still I was delusional and thinking oh, this will be awhile. Shawn is frantically running around the house getting things in the car, etc. and I was mosying taking my time. By the time we got to the hospital the contractions were coming really hard and I dilated from a 3 to 10 in about 20 minutes. At 2:05 we had a beautiful baby boy and we in complete shock that it went so quickly. I just kept looking at Jack wondering if he was really ours - It was just so wierd not to have hours of labor to "prepare" for him. I guess 9 months just wasn't enough!


Debbi said...

I love his take home outfit! He looks so cute and manish in it! What a stud, and that picture of him and Sam (sam's cheesy grin) is priceless! What a cute boy and what a great labor story! How blessed! We can't wait to see him in May (he will be a huge almost one year old!)

Ashton & Co. said...

His take home outift is so cute, but hilarious how big it is. Before you know it he will be fitting in it perfectly!! I am so glad your labor and delivery went so quickly and so well. Nothing like Sam's!!! Your boys are so precious (wow, we can say BOYS now!) Hope your mom made it safe and sound- take advantage of her!!:) Jack is sure a cutie- looks a TON like Sam to me, and the one of Sammy smiling all sly and Jack crying is classic. That will probably be the scene a lot around your house! Hey, did you guys hear Judy's reaction to the name yet? We predicted that one!:) Love you all and give Jack kisses from us (and Sam a big ole hug!)

Jilene said...

Congrats you guys! Wish we could be there to see you all. Sam looks like such a proud big brother. :)

{Erica} said...

Love his outfit and all the pictures. Isn't a fast labor awesome?!! I love that your water broke at home...I swear they show it happening all the time in the movies but it's usually not the case in real now you hae a cool story!

I want to come by and give you a little something ....and of course dinner :)

Ashton & Co. said...

Okay, i know I already commented, but tell Shawn to check out my latest post...he's gunna LOVE it. :)

Matt said...

Big congrats on the new Boy Shawn. I bumped into your Dad at Cal-Ranch this weekend and he mentioned you'd (well your wife anyway) had a baby and Tara stumbled across your blog from someones blog from someones blog from... i'm not sure but she found it.

Anyway congrats.


Brigit said...

He is so cute! He looks so tiny in his outfits. They will all be too small in just a few weeks. I hope Sammy is doing well. Has he asked when you are taking it back to the hospital yet? We can't wait to meet him. Please keep the pics coming!!!

The Halls said...

He is so stinkin cute Megan!!! I am so glad he is finally here, and safe . You are an amazing little family and I am so excited for you guys!

Jo Ann Anderson said...

Congrats!!! Jack is so cute and little. It is so fun to have a new baby in the house....if Sam needs a break I think Aden would love a play date, just let me know.

Cassie said...

wow a 3-10 in 20 minutes?! I thought my 6-10 in one hour was quick! He just really really really wanted to get here and see his beautiful momma! Congrats again, I am so excited for you guys that lil boy is lucky to have you guys as parents! Can't wait to meet him!

Erin King said...

Yeah! So glad that everything went well and that everyone is happy and healthy! Thanks for posting pictures. Having two little guys is the best! You'll love it. Love you!

crapo family said...

He is adorable! Just wanted to say congratulations and I am so happy for you! Jack is my absolute favorite name!!!! Mikael and I also had it chosen but are trying to convince ourselves that it wouldn't sound like JACK CRAP -o! :) ha. ha. Can you imagine the teasing! Anyways, hope you are feeling well. I am still working on the Hill/Crapo clan to start blogging.... so far there's been little success. take care!

Julie said...

Wow! What a cutie!! I can't wait to hold him! He does look a lot like Sammy. What a proud brother he seems to be. I hope all is going well with you all. I am glad that your Mom made it there safe and sound. Get as much rest as you can. I love you all....give the "boys" kisses!!

mary said...

Awww, he's darling! He looks so tiny in that take-home outfit! Congratulations to you guys. I am so happy he is finally here! What a crazy quick birth story... but I guess you can't complain about him getting here fast. He was just so excited to meet his family! Good work, Megan. I can't wait to see him in person!

Shane and Jill said...

Aww Megan, he is so precious! Give him squeezes for me ;)

Courtney said...

Congratulations you guys! He is such a beautiful little boy! What a lucky baby to have such a wonderful family to come to!

I'm glad everything went well. Let me know if you need anything!