Friday, September 5, 2008

Induction & Sam's Saturday Soup (early)

Obviously as the title indicates we have set a date to be induced unless by some chance Jack decides to steal the doctor's thunder and come early - Monday September 8th will be the day! Cross your fingers, say a prayer that he'll come on his own. For some reason I just don't like the idea of induction . . . but he'll be here and that's what counts.

As for little Sammy boy he's had a pretty eventful week:
1st - Preschool started on Thursday and he was SOOOO excited to go. He loves it and he sure looked handsome and very grown up with his backpack.
2nd - He learned two valuable lessons this week: 1) You don't shove playdough (or anything for that matter) up your nose! Yes he did that and then sneezed it out all over my white duvet cover, lovely! 2) You go potty in the toilet NOT the garbage can next to the toilet - totally gross!
3rd - He has taken a liking to being a puppy, specifically a Dalmation named Lucky or Jacque (Lady and the Tramp), and he now loves to eat and drink out of bowls. He barks and crawls around, the whole nine yards.
4th - He loves his buddies in the neighborhood and we love them. His friend Carter and him play this little game almost nightly where they climb the to the top of the fence and then jump off.

5th - Waukee is the greatest!! I love this little town, especially the library. They do a great Preschool story time, and make cool crafts afterwards and Sam made these awesome dinosaur feet(kleenex boxes and foam cut outs). He's been "Roaring" at me all week!!!

Next post we'll be introducing our sweet baby Jack - I can't wait!!!


Elder Richey said...

Good luck!!! I wish you all the best and I can't wait to see pics of little Jack and hear all about how everything went.

Oh, and your nursery is the CUTEST.

{Erica} said...

YAY!! At least there is an end in sight but I will be praying that he decides to come on his own...I'm not a big fan of induction either. I'm sure all will go well. Can't wait to see little Jack.

Sam sure is a cute kid. I'm glad he learned a few lessons this week...the trash can one totally made me gag!

See you the hospital probably :)

Amber said...

I just realized that my relief society presidents two little boys names are Sam and cute! I'm so excited to see pics of the new littl addition to your family!!

Anonymous said...

What a cute boy! Can't wait to see your new little one!

Courtney said...

Good luck! I can't wait to see you guys!

My Everythings said...

I hope he comes before then too! Can't wait to see pictures and hear all about it. :)

Tiffany said...

at a cute idea. I love the dinosaur feet idea.
Isn't it fun to find the things you love in your town? We have a wednesday morning music class that we love.