Monday, February 16, 2009

Tidbit Tuesday

#1: Clorox Wipes!

Yes, these are a must. BOY + TOILET = DISGUSTING! Honestly, this is when having a girl would be awesome. Boys and toilets don't mesh, well I guess they do mesh a little too much and too all over the place. I have found the only way to keep from gagging and not having to scour every day is to have these handy dandy wipes to wipe down everything. Any other suggestions for ways to keep a boy's bathroom clean?

#2: Sam's I Can Chart and Cup of Beans

These are very typical ways of trying to motivate Sam to have good behavior. The I Can Chart are things that Sam can do now to help out such as: put dishes by the sink, put on his coat and shoes, say prayers, say please and thank you, etc. The beans are when he does things without being asked or if he is just being a super good boy. My mom asked me if I think this psychology really works - the answer, I don't know? The one thing I know that it does do is help me find things throughout the day to praise him for. I feel like I'm always nagging and addressing his negative behavior. With these two gauges, I can really compliment his positive behavior, so it makes me feel like a better mom!
What techniques do you have to reinforce your kids positive behavior?

#3: This is a Family Home Evening activity that I got from Lori (she has the best ideas) that I thought was AWESOME!! (Family Home Evening is one evening/week that is devoted to being together as a family, learning about the gospel, and having fun!)
The lesson was Samuel the Lamanite being protected from the rocks and arrows on the wall, as he prophecied of Christ's birth and death. You take a figurine (don't you love TMNT?)and make a rice krispie wall(stick the figurine in the wall while forming it, and allow to harden a few hours so it really sticks in there) and throw candy at it to try and knock him down. You just can't knock him down, and then we talked about keeping the commandments, and how it helps keep us protected and safe. Sam thought it was so much fun, and the best part is you can eat the wall and the rocks!

What are some fun and successful FHE's that you have had with your families?
Please give me your ideas! I'd love to hear them!!


Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

I totally hear ya on the boys and toilets. gag!!! you would think that they would be able to aim better.
I use the exact same wipes everyday on the toilet. They work wonders.
By the way, that FHE idea is great. we'll have to try it next week. thanks.

Andrea said...

Those Clorox wipes are the bomb! We love them too. I like the lemon scented ones. I use them everywhere it seems like in my house. Boys, boys, boys......

Also we use a similar tactic with Hunter to encourage good behavior. I'm with you who knows if its really all that effective, but it does seem to make me feel like a better mom for at least trying.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to know my boys are normal in the bathroom. Some days I wonder what I've done wrong in teaching them to be cleaner in the bathroom. The Clorox wipes are a great idea.
I'm glad you liked the FHE idea the part where you built rocks on is brilliant.
In Idaho I got this book that is FHE lessons at a Stake thing it has a lesson for every week of the year. The one I gave out is from it. If you would like to copy it you are more than welcome. It has some really fun cute ideas in it.
I love the Valentine shirt on your boys sooo cute.

LaNdOn AnD cHe' said...

Hey Meg, I frequent your blog occasionally and just wanted to tell you that I love your Tidbit Tuesdays and Saturday Soups, they are always so entertaining and have great ideas! I am glad to see that you are doing so well!

{Erica} said...

So I like colorx wipes but I like the kirkland brand better...seriously try them out. I'll give you a container if you want.. :)

I think we have that book with that FHE lesson in it. It's full of Book of Mormon stories that you can do a simple FHE lesson on and all involve a treat. Ours last night was about Alma the younger and Amulek being tied in prision and praying to the Lord. An earth quake came and the prision tumbled down killing the bad guys and leaving the good guys unharmed. We set up four columns of five oreos each and put 2 figures (disney princes's) in the middle. They shook the cookie sheet and made the walls tunble down. We then talked about the importance of being righteous, listening to the Lord and praying to the Lord for help. Seriously a cool lesson. After the lesson we made oreo SHAKES. If you want you can take a look at the's AWESOME!

Amber said...

you are so good for doing FHE! we never do. i keep thinking we'll start but we haven't. and i love clorox wipes as well, i use them all the time cuz it makes me feel like i'm getting rid of germs:) and i really should do that chart with bry cuz i need to notice the good things she does as well instead of always catching the bad. thanks for the tips! (i just don't have any good ones to share but if i think of any i'll come back)

cortney and neil said...

Meg those are some good ideas. I think we will be doing Samuel and the Lamanite on Monday. Good Luck with the potty training thing. Boys are disgusting. That's all there is to it. But, Avery pees her pants and then hides them. So I'm not sure what is better.

kim said...

Hey Megan-
I found your blog and have been catching up on how wonderful your life is! Isn't being a mom and wife the best thing in the world? I hope you don't mind that I have added your blog to my blog list.

Okay now I am kind of scared to potty train my son. I was thinking about starting soon. Addie was pretty easy But Callen I am sure will be a challenge.

My only thing that we love to do for FHE isn't about the lesson (which we try to be creative but doesn't always work) but my kids look forward to it all week. It is called "say or do" where everyone gets a chance to say something or do something for the family. We love it. Addie will practice something all week to show us, like a dance or song or cartwheel. It is great fun. She will ask if it is monday so we can have family home evening. Talk to you soon.

Colette said...

Megan I followed your blog from Michelle's, she teaches my daughter dance. Anyhow I love your Tuesday Tidbits as well as Saturday Soup. Your boys are SO cute! If you'll e-mail me at I'll send you an invitation to our blog, just so you know who is "blog stalking" you! Thanks for sharing!