Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jersey Shore ... Mormon style!

Move over Snooki there is a new Situation....oh, yeah baby!  We brought our goods to the Jersey Beach.  Maybe it was the 6 kids, or the farmer's tans, or even the pregnant bellies, maybe it was the fact that we didn't have a gold chain, a tattoo, or a tan...but we left no doubt that we weren't from around those parts!
With the Tolboe's we decided to hit up the beach, and headed to Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey.  We've really wanted to try out the Jersery beaches and get the boardwalk experience before we left.  We had a great time, and had a great hotel right across from the beach (thanks to Jennilyn). We had a lot of good boardwalk food - the kind that plugs your arteries, and a lot of fun playing in the sand and surf.  

Jenni and I both with babies on board didn't get a chance to show our body surfing skills, but Christian and Shawn spent hours getting SLAMMED by the waves and loving every second!  I did however take advantage of my lame-sauce state and enjoyed gazing at the life guards on duty!  They were, how do you say this, "physically fit" - and knew it.  At one point one of them was doing triceps curls with a long board nd then dropped down and did some push ups just for good measure!  Seriously, this shows how old I am because after yelling at Jenni and laughing out loud, I thought "can he see my kids if they got in trouble out the water while working out?"  

Lyv and Claire were a little scared of the waves, (they were pretty strong) so they played in the sand most of the time.  The first time to the water, Jack got his first taste of waves by being taken out completely.  He quickly learned his lesson and stayed on the fray the rest of the time.  

  Could there be any cuter beach bums than these three?

 Lyv was listening to the ocean.... "Ariel, are you there?"

 I convinced Jack to let me bury him, which he thought was great.  Not to be outdone, Lyv wanted a turn, but didn't last as long - sand kept getting thrown into her face by her helpers... nothing like a "sandwich".

Jack had this crazy Karate Kid inspired dance with the waves before entering the water.  It was hilarious to see him try to build up the courage to go in.

 Some action shots of Sam - he and Brooklyn played in the waves as much as the guys.  I was so glad he braved the water!  He had a great time, and thought he was a pretty cool dude!

We hit the boardwalk and tried out some of the rides.  The kids of course loved this part of the adventure. Each one rode a few of their favorites. Jack loved the motorcycle ride, Lyv LOVES the carousel, and Sam loved the "roller coaster"!


My personal favorite was of course the imitation Dumbo ride!  I was DYING to try it, so I decided to put my gynormous self into this tiny ride!  Okay truth, these carnival people know how to get every nickel and dime out of you and require ALL riders to pay to get on the rides, even the rides their kids can only ride with an adult!  So Lyv - who you can't see because my sexy bod is covering her wanted to ride this ride, and so I was nominated to ride with her!  It was amazing....life changing in convincing me that #1) I have a lot to work on after the baby comes and #2) a carnival is not a money saving event.

Thanks Tolboe's for a such a fun vacation, and for coming all the way to see us!  We had a great time!  And thank you Jersey for a great time!  I left with a tan... so I guess I'm fast on my way to becoming Jerseylicious!


Beth Willmore said...

Oh my gosh that looks SO fun and you're super cute with your prego body - way to go mamma! Loved the beach pics of Lyv's little bum and am cracking up about the lifeguards! (You know if I was there I would have taken pictures JUST to put on the blog!) Ok and maybe for my own personal enjoyment!

Jennilyn said...

I loved all your pics! Especially the one of Sam and Brooklyn holding hands! Good Times!!!