Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Since we've been home...

Life keeps moving swiftly by for us, and we have one week until school starts for Sam and Jack.  I can't believe how quickly the summer flew by, how quickly our time in Idaho came and went, and how soon we'll be welcoming a new baby boy into our home!  I haven't had a lot of time to write about some of the smaller rays of sunshine that have filtered into our life.  

First, the boys had the great opportunity to go to the Jet's football game thanks to some free tickets and while there, watching Tim Tebow throw an interception....Sam lost his 3rd tooth!  He's been working on this one for a while and was thrilled to finally get it out.  The Tooth Fairy, amazingly left him a special note about how cool it was that he lost his tooth at the game...that is a once in a lifetime experience!
 Finally, my poor kids have been running around with me trying to get things back to normal and get ready for school, primary, and baby.  I haven't been the most patient of mothers and the kids have been in several time outs, received several spankings, thrown many a tantrum, and received a few sharp words from their dear sweat momma.  In between these crazy times, I have to try to remind myself to enjoy the moment... and this includes keeping up on our frog catching.  These kids are getting pretty good and catching them, and today we caught a whopper of a frog!  They were so proud that they asked for a picture.... Here are my beautiful - wonderful kids!

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