Thursday, May 2, 2013

Smore Stuff

We needed to get rid of some of our firewood....this equaled FIRE!!!  We roasted hotdogs and smores and the kids loved it.  This is my annual hotdog consumption.  I don't like hotdogs, but if I can burn them black and cover them with cucumber relish it camouflages it enough for me to eat.  Smores on the other hand have turned into a bit of a culinary art at our house.  We try all different kinds of candies to melt, degrees of "toasted" on the marshmallow, and brand of graham cracker to create the perfect combination.  So far the favorite is PB cup, Nabisco grahams, and a nutty brown toasted marshmallow.

Max and his buddy Parker.  They are 6 weeks apart and we've loved watching them grow.  Max was very interested in Parker on this day.  I'm not sure Parker was a huge fan of Max's curiosity, but he was a good sport.


Beth Willmore said...

I am TOTALLY with you on the hot dog thing! They are completely nasty except once a year if I get blackmailed or guilted into going camping with the family! Wanna hear a funny story? Grandma Parker LOVES Maverik hotdogs and stops there everytime she goes into town to get one. Nasty huh!

Good job on the smores, makes me want a peanut butter cup!

{Erica} said...

FYI - Ella was looking at this post with me this morning and when she saw pictures of Sam she said "Oh, he's cuuuute!" ???!! Yes, he is but so weird for her to notice lol!

You're whole family is cute and adorable!

Freeman Family said...

I think the best part of this post is the fact Shawn didn't even take the time to change or take his name tag off before digging into the the chocolately gooeyness (is that a word?) Love you guys and jealous of your weather! It is SNOWING here! Miss ya!