Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Four Eyes newest member

Chalk it up to being Jack. As part of Jack's screening the evaluators suggested that we get his vision tested, to rule out any issues with that.  We went to the doctor and both Sam and Jack were evaluated.  Sam is slightly near sighted, but won't need any correction until he's much older.  Jack on the other, well, he's Jack.  He has astigmatism and he needed glasses.  I asked the doctor if he thought this affected his clumsiness and stability, and he said - "no, probably not!"  So just another perk to throw in to poor Jack's list of things to keep track of and work on.  He's supposed to wear the glasses as often as he can, and today being his first day - he did pretty good.  Now I'm bracing myself for the eventual lost glasses, broken glasses, scratched lens, etc.

But I have to say there isn't a cuter dude with glasses.  I just love this face!


Freeman Family said...

So stinkin cute! Love him! Hope you got the insurance plan with them!

My Everythings said...

He looks precious! :)
Zenni optical is a SUPER cheap way to order glasses if he breaks them a lot. (we're talking like $7 a pair, straight from good ol' China). I use them and they have worked just fine.

Beth Willmore said...

Ok that is so stinking cute! So good to get his vision figured out now before he starts driving off the road as an adult because he can't see! :)