Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A bit Ridiculous

Lyv had her 3 month well check. (Here they have the kids come in every month for the first 6 months and spread the vaccinations out. I thinks its really mean but oh well.) The one great thing is they do their measurements more often. She was 14.4 lbs. 25.5 inches, and 40.5 inch head circumference - which all translated into being in the 75% overall! She is such a good, good baby. I am so blessed to have her, and we are continuing to just love her up each day. On Sunday as we got ready for church I tried out a big flower just see how it would work.... lets say just a bit ridiculous...
The look on her face in the picture is HILARIOUS! Its like she is telling me how goofy she looks - like "really mom, you thought this was going to actually fit." Much better - and aren't those patent shoes to die for??

I also finally completed Lyv's room - the room is not complete until their name is on the wall, and now it finally is. Now just a quick explanation on her name. We named Olyvia after a great, great, great, grandmother Olive Smoot Bean. I did a life history on Olive and grew to love her, and so always wanted to name a daughter after her. Shawn loves the name Lyv, so we agreed to call her Lyv, but name her Olyvia - now I don't know why I was so instant upon Olyvia because we never call her Olyvia. Oh well there is meaning there and I guess that is what is important.


My Everythings said...

Oh my goodness she is cute. I just want to eat her up.

Beth Willmore said...

Um ok sorry I'm a crappy friend - but happy belated birthday! I love it that you had to bring out the "shout" for Jack with the markers - that made me feel a tiny bit better about myself considering I've been known to do that occasionally...
Then on to Lyv. She's beautiful - what more is there to say? As far as the flower goes - I think that these days the theory is, "bigger is better" but it was totally overwhelming her head. :) Good job on that judgment call mom!

Jennilyn said...

I love the shoes, and you did an amazing job on her room, can you come decorate my house? YOu always do such a great job.

Anonymous said...

Ok I do realize I'm the worst friend for forgetting your bday! But I'm glad you have other friends to remember you! Lyv is cute, of course and the room turned out FAB.

Ashton & Co. said...

Oh the kids are o cute. That camp sounds like a lot of fun for Sam! Jack is still so stinkin' cute/ hilarious. that boy is going to always make you laugh! Lyv is just precious. I almost want to cry when I see pics of her. I miss you guys. SHe 's not even going to know who her favorite aunt is...:) Hope all is well. I hope you had a great birthday! DId you get my early card? :) Her room turned out darling (ofcourse) do we expect anything less from the awesome Meg? NO!