Monday, August 16, 2010

Got Milk?

Yes this post is about breastfeeding, so I'm giving you fair warning to stop reading NOW! I've nursed all of my children, but with Lyv - I have an "older" child who has really started to take note to what I'm doing - thus the most recent conversation between Sam and I:

"Mom, will you run out of milk in these (he points to his chest)?"

Blushing, I ask, "what?" He again repeats his question. I sigh, and say, "Nope, as long as mommy keeps feeding Lyv, then my body will keep making milk for her." (Hoping that this answer will be enough for him.....

"Okay - you have a tiny milk machine in your body that pours in water and white stuff and then you have handy helpers (from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse) that mix it all up going 900 miles/hour. Then it goes up to these things (again he points to his chest) and come out - pshhoo, pshoo (making shooting noises).

Shawn and I look at eat other trying to muffle our laughter, and I reply "Yep that is pretty much how its done." So just in case you were wondering how it all works, here's your answer.


Beth Willmore said...

Um ok that's hilarious! When Parker was born Meg was only 2, but even then she came out of her room one afternoon holding a baby up to her chest... I can't imagine how it would be with an older child who can ask questions. Good job on the answer though! I especially loved the handy helpers part!

Anonymous said...

Wow..imagine having to "host" all those handy helpers. When I was feeding Blake over Christmas my 8 year old nephew asked "Does the milk just shoot out or does he have to suck it out?" It was awkward for a moment.

Freeman Family said...

Oh..bless his heart! I LOVE it! I wonder if any of those handy helpers know how to do laundry and make supper? He He!

Nick and Brent said...

Ha ha, I love it. It's amazing how perceptive they are. When I was still nursing, one day Payton grabbed the boppy, covered himself with the blanket, and said, "Bring me the baby!" I was trying to explain that only mommies feed babies while containing my laughter, and Brent was a little mortified. :) Awkward, but innocent.

Smittys said...

Thats awesome!

Ashton & Co. said...

But has HE started nursing his baby yet? Does he still have his baby?! Love Sam!

Biorn Family Blog said...

hilarious! Hey, I have a new BLOG--my old one is possessed--don't know what happened...I want to invite you--send you email address to :) XOXO Camille