Sunday, August 1, 2010

Water Fun

We had a week filled with water activities. Sam took a two week swimming lesson course and did AWESOME! Really I was very impressed with his swimming and tried to coax him into taking another set of lessons, but he's not quite ready to hit the "deep end" of the pool. So until then . . . here is Super cool Swimming Sam.
While Sam was learning how to swim, I had to try to keep Jack from diving into the water, and so spent the time at the playground. He loved the toys, but refused help from me at climbing up anything, and let me say there were some close calls with him falling. He is such an independent little thing!

We always talk and laugh about Jack having Piranna teeth - this picture captures it better than words can . .....

We got a special package delivered from Great Grandma Jeanne - some work gloves for the boys. They think they're pretty hardcore now.

We attended a water wheel activity put on by the local library and got to make our very own water wheel. So cool....
And finally we've been devouring this....I'm not sure if there is any better treat during the summertime.

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