Sunday, August 1, 2010

Rosendale Street Fest - Our Town

Last Saturday we went out to the Rosendale Street Fest (since of course we weren't home to celebrate Pioneer Day). It was incredibly HOT, HUMID, and did I say HOT! We only lasted about an hour, but we thoroughly enjoyed some ice cream, slushies, and super good coconut italian ices! Yum! Rosendale is such a cute, quaint town, but holy cow, can you say Hippyville. Think about your stereotypical Woodstock going, sandal wearing, peace-sign totting hippy and you've got it. It was so funny. Check out this sweet bus parked at one of the local cafes. All we need are some bell-bottoms, braids, and head bands. I took some pictures of some of the shops on our Main Street. Very cute!
A little local theater that plays movies and live theater.

A local bakery that bakes natural, organic and gluten free foods.

A local cafe.

1 comment:

Freeman Family said...

I love the fact Sam is still wearing that Iowa shirt we gave him! I still have the picture of the him and Carter up on the fridge I took the day before you moved...that shirt was huge on him! He has grown a ton! Do you think it will still fit him in 3 years when you move back to Iowa?