Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Chocolate Melts where?

Chocolate melts in your mouth and Your Nose! What? Yes, to avoid any questions about this fact, Jack took it upon himself to prove that chocolate does indeed melt in your nose as well as your mouth. How did I come across such an experiment? I'm doing a project, I hear screaming and "Ow", so I run in thinking Jack has fallen and hit his head - what I find is a chocolate covered face. I'm thinking how did this happen (he's eating chocolate chips). So I wipe off his face, but he still says it hurts. I ask what hurts and he says, "Nose" I then wipe his nose, only to get more and more chocolate each time. I'm not sure how many chocolate chips he shoved up his nose, but he was sneezing chocolate snot for about two hours after. He is something else!


Jennilyn said...


Beth Willmore said...

Oh my heck that is so funny and SO gross! I'll never be able to think about chocolate chips in the same way! I guess it's about like Parker with the marshmellows from Marshmellow Matey's up his nose though! Disgusting! Where did we get these crazy little boys!

Nick and Marci Jensen Family said...

I love it!!!

kim said...

Okay that is too funny! The joys of being a mom!