Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Magic

The kids are SO excited for Christmas this year. We broke out the Christmas decorations the Saturday after Thanksgiving, found a tree a few days later, and whalaa..... Christmas Magic has hit the Summers' house.
I have to say Thank You to the genius who came up with Elf on a Shelf (notice our elf on the garland above the stockings).. it is a major life saver this month as far as a good behavior incentive. I just have to remind them that Marty is watching (kind of creepy if you think about it) and they shape up. I know this beautiful Christmas Magic won't last forever, but for now I'm taking full advantage of it.

Here are the kids in their Christmas best. I have to say that I've got three beautiful babies - not by Christmas Magic but by Summers' magic, hahaha (okay I'm getting a little carried away)!
Finally Sam took a picture of me and Jack by the Christmas tree... Christmas magic, the tree is invisible.....


My Everythings said...

They look so adorable in their Christmas outfits. I love Lyv's dress. I hope you week is getting better! I just got thrown up on. :) Isn't motherhood AWESOME!? haha

Cassie said...

The kids are adorable! I still can't believe you have three! They are growing up so quickly!

Mandi said...

I just love reading your posts, your kids really are sooo adorable and I love hearing that other peoples kids make messes because seriously it is out of control at our house too.