Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Our not so Little Lyv

Where did the time go? How did she all of a sudden get so big? It seems to me that in the past two weeks Lyv has suddenly transformed from a baby into a not-so-baby-girl! I love seeing her learn new things and start to respond more to people around her, but it also makes me sad. She is not my little babe. Recently she has been accomplishing a lot of little wonders. She shakes her head no... she is rolling and scooting like mad (mostly on her bum because I never lay her down on the wood floors, which pretty much cover our entire house)... she is clapping.... she sticks out her tongue and makes fun noises like babababa and ma! She has a cute toothy smile that I can't get enough of. She rotates her ankles and spins her little feet when she is sitting. She is wearing 12 month clothes and they fit great! I think she might learn to walk before she crawls since she is always in her exersaucer and loves jumping around in that. She is still chubby all over, especially in that big bootie of hers. She chews on everything - toys, her entire fist in her mouth, books, etc. She is finally like food, mostly fruit and crackers, not a big veggie fan. She loves to drink water from a cup, and she LOVES her bath and makes huge splashes with her monster thighs. She is the boy's little sweetie and they shower her with kisses and hugs. She loves her daddy and gives him kisses, usually very slobbery; and she is a big fan of me too. Shawn calls me her HERO, but very sarcastically because when she is sad she looks for me. This is why I have babies, because for the first year of life, they are my number one fans!) This is Lyv shaking her head "no" (below)

The following three are her clapping her hands...