Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Tradition: An inherited pattern or action - it comes from the Latin word traditionem which means "handing over or passing on." I grew up in a family rich in tradition. We've grown up doing annual celebrations or events that are now so ingrained in me that I can't properly celebrate an event without having certain things present. Christmas is one of those holidays chuck full of tradition -

#1) A REAL Christmas Tree: My family always got a real Christmas tree. At times I feel like the Griswalds in search of the perfect tree (forgetting the ax), but there is no substitute.
#2) Granny Jeanne's Candy: We know from CandyLand that there is a King Candy, and reason would say if there is a king, there is also a queen. That would be Grandma Jeanne. This wonderful package of delicious delights arrived only five days ago and it is gone. English toffee and carmels are my favorites. I attempted this year to make her recipe of both the toffee and carmel. Let just say after burning the first batch, not fully cooking the second, and having rather sticky results.... Grandma reigns Queen supreme. I'm going to keep at it, because I feel like this is an art that I would love to master so that this particular tradition will live on. When Great Granny's candy arrived Jack devoured it with pure delight, repeatedly requesting more of "Gwreat Ganny's Canndy". Then I tried to feed him mine... he wasn't as convinced!
#3) Christmas Carols: No Christmas music is allowed until after Thanksgiving, but as soon as the turkey is gone, the carols come out. My Grandma and Grandpa Hill had an annual Christmas party that we always sang carols at. This is one of my most treasured memories of them. The kids and I rock out to the music all month long - my favorite song being White Christmas.

#4) Christmas Cards: Some people hate them, I LOVE them! I love getting new updates, pictures, and feeling the warmth of friends near and far. I look forward to this part of Christmas every year!

#5)Ham Dinner: This one gets some opposition on the part of Shawn because he grew up having a prime rib for Christmas dinner. Now the kind hearted part of me would compromise and have it every other year right? Wrong, I just can't do it.... also because the tight-wad part of me knows how many other meals I can get out of the leftover ham. I can only think of one additional meal coming from the prime rib. Until Shawn takes over cooking Christmas Eve dinner, ham will be the star!
#6) Watching Christmas Movies: Shawn and I started this our first Christmas together. I made him watch White Christmas (I Know, I'm so mean), but now we watch all kinds of Christmas movies all month long: our favorites - A Christmas Story, Christmas Vacation, Polar Express, and Home Alone!
#7) The reading of the Christmas Story: We would gather as a family around the Christmas tree, and my dad would read the Christmas Story found in Luke 2. I loved listening to his voice, and as I grew older I appreciated more the significance of this act. It always helped remind me, as I went to bed that the true meaning of the celebrations and gifts was the most important gift of all - A Savior, even Jesus Christ. Now as a parent, I appreciate this act, as I try to help my own children understand the reason for the season.

1 comment:

Nick and Brent said...

I love your little family and your traditions. Your kids will always remember that and it makes the holidays so fun. And I has to be a ham on Christmas!! :)