Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fall Kids Crafts

Since we are doing preschool at home this year, we've been "crafting" a lot more. Here are some fun fall craft ideas that we've done for the month of September as part of preschool. I'm going to start posting some of these ideas monthly if they turn out good, or if the kids like them.

Fingerprint Indian Corn: Using red, yellow, orange and brown paint, make fingerprint "kernels" on a corn outline. Glue on green husks. Leaf Rubbings: Gather leaves of differnt size and shapes, lay flat underneath construction paper and use an unwrapped crayon to rub the leaf pattern on the paper. Sam loved this project.

Fabulous Fall - 5 Senses Project: Observe things you see, smell, hear, taste, and touch that tell us it is Fall. For our smell we smelled different spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, etc. and made some Applesauce Cookies to taste!

Paperbag Scarecrow:
Cut out different shapes for eyes, nose, mouth, hat, hair, tie, etc. I used foam sheets and made "stickers" that the kids could stick on. Fill with crumpled up paper or newspaper.

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