Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Summers Shenanigans

Summer is officially coming to a close, but we've been trying to squeeze in all of our last swimming trips in. Last weekend we headed up to a Belleayre Beach at Pine Hill Lake, NY. I felt like it was one of those summer camps you always see on movie. The area was BEAUTIFUL, surrounded be trees, clear & clean lake, boats, kayaks, sandy beach, surrounded by grass lawn, complete with a playground. We had an AWESOME time - and I think we will make this a regular spot for our coming summers.
Lyv is continuing to grow like a weed. She has started to roll, and she was introduced to the exersaucer (a great toy for all of my kids). Hers comes with a little more entertainment since the boys also like to play in it and with the toys on it. I am often summoned to rescue Jack out of being stuck in the seat with a loud MAAAA! Here's Jack playing Peek-A-Boo with her. She is really loved by her brothers.

I have to post a little about Rosendale! We are very happy with this little town. Last night we enjoyed an awesome FREE family night put on by the Rec Dept. We all got to swim for free in the pool, followed by a free movie played on an open air cinema (so we get to enjoy the fireflies at the same time) complete with FREE icecream and FREE popcorn! Could you ask for anything more? I love it when even small communities like this make special efforts to provide these types of programs, it is VERY appreciated by little families like ours.

Our lazy days of summer will continue as long as the humidity keeps showing its sultry face. The past few days have been especially steamy! Sam decided to take some notes from the lifegaurds and use the umbrella for shade. He is now our pools official lifegaurd.
Jack on the other hand prefers to play in the shade pushing his little babies around in the stroller. What are his little babies???

Cars.... its starting all over again. He totes these around everwhere, and makes anything (bucket, bag, box, wagon, etc.) into a car carrying device.

When the heat it too much to bear we rock out! If only you could see Sam try to play with teeth and Jack's sweet dance moves.

One final thing that has summer heading out the back door is SCHOOL. Yes, Sam couldn't stand the anticipation any longer and we started our Preschool on Monday. A lot of people have asked why I didn't send Sam this year (he turned 5 in July so he could go). Shawn and I decided since our last year had been so "unstable" moving from Iowa, to Idaho, to Utah, back to Idaho, then to New York, that we'd give him a year to enjoy "normal life". We also thought that it might be more to his advantage to be one more year mature - mentally, physically, emotionally. This way he'll be one of the oldest in his class, rather than one of the youngest, and hopefully that will give him an advantage - we are totally expecting a sports scholarship (hahaha). Because he is 5, he didn't qualify for any preschools since he should technically be in school, so I'm the last resort. Yes, Mrs. Summers is here for the year. Here are my sweet boys on our first day of school.


Ashton & Co. said...

Your kids get cuter and cuter with every post...I MEAN it!!! Such great pics...the "camp" looks just like the movies. How neat. I am so glad you are liking Rosendale better, sounds like things are going good. Good luck with the teaching :) And keep the posts coming. I love seeing what you are up to!!!

{Erica} said...

It is just SO SAD to see your kids so big...particularly Sam! Wow has he grown!

sounds like a fabulous time is being had by the Summer's family.

I miss you!

Julie said...

Oh My Gosh! Lyv is rolling over! I have missed so much with her. I am so sad! The boys are as cute as ever. What cute personalities they have. You are such great do so many fun things with the kids. Lyv is gorgeous as always. My little Jack Jack will soon be 2!! I miss you all so much. Harvest will start soon and then we will be out. I love you all!!