Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summers' Schenanigans - TRUE BLUE

We had our first annual True Blue Day! We've decided to make the first BYU football game day a BYU day, so of course we all sported our Cougar Football apparell, and enjoyed some tasty "stadium" food - burgers, fries, and of course the best food creation to come out of Utah: FRY SAUCE. We also broke out the BYU candy dish (thank you Parks' Family) and made some BYU football and helmet cookies. Shawn was called out to the hospital half way through the game, so he is indeed grateful for DVR, and was able to watch the second half when he got home. I teased him by telling him they lost, and had him nearly in tears. It was great. But what was really great, was seeing those wonderful Utah mountains! We miss the West. How about those Cougs - way to start of with a win!
I put this pic of me and Lyv to show how adorable she is and to make sure that I do actually exist!
In other news: Lyv had her 4 month check up (she's nearly 5 months) and weighed 16 lbs. 2 oz. and was 26 1/4 inches long. She is 90% for all of her stats. The doctor just loves her and coos and hugs her the entire check up. She asked if all my babies were this beautiful, and of course I said YES! She is such a cutie. Check out these fun shoes, I only wish they made them in my size.
Jack had another run in with the markers and turned his face into the canvas. He has potential to become a great Picasso. Here's another pic of the kids -
I love these little ones, and the love each other -most of the time.

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