Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Summers Schenanigans

All I can say about the past few weeks and days is that they came and went - and I'm glad they are gone. You know those days that you wish would end because you can't possibly clean up one more mess, or deal with one more crying child, or attempt to be patient since your last ounce of patience just flew out the window.... well that has been a little version of our week. BUT before I throw too much of a pity party for myself, I do have to give a huge Shout Out to my kiddos who day in and day out put up with me, regardless of my current mood, good - bad - and yes often UGLY! We've been enjoying a lot of beautiful "Fall" weather, cool mornings and nights, mild days, and have been watching the change in the trees, I can't wait when the fall colors are in all their glory, it will be amazing here in the land of leafy green. Check out how tall the trees are - now I know it is in comparison with Jack, not the tallest subject, but you get the idea. Here are some phrases to define our week:

Nesting: The boys decided to use all the dead leaves, grass and branches to create a nest for the birds. Sam is sure that a mommy bird will take this over as her own very soon, and keeps it stocked with delicious berries. To celebrate the completion of their hard work the boys engaged in a first of many "dangerous" High-Fives! Also a huge high five to Jack and Sam who worked on the nest for an hour TOGETHER! It is happening.... they just might actually become friends. Please note in the picture Sam's sweet cleats. His tennis shoes were falling apart and it was up to him to choose between cleats or new tennis shoes - you can see what won out! He thinks they are the bomb, and keeps asking me over and over again, why do they call them cleats mom? Does any know the answer to that question?
BIG BOY UNDIES: No he isn't potty trained, or even close for that matter. But Jack LOVES underwear and puts them on any chance he can. Over his diaper. Here's usually how he comes out after I've gotten him ready for bed. No bottoms, just Sam's boxer briefs, backwards. Oh well, I guess its one step at a time.
A Cage, I mean bed....: The boys think this is the new and improved way to watch a movie, inside the coffee table that we use to store blankets. Not a bad a idea, its soft and has a view right in front of the T.V. So why do I have a sick feeling that it would be really easy to just close the top and trap themselves inside of it. Or that Jack will find a way to bonk his head on something and we'll have round three of Head Wound Harry? I guess only time will tell.
Baby Got Back!: Exclamation point is needed because YES, Lyv has the biggest bootie and thighs of any child I've ever encountered. I don't know if it female weight distribution or if this is a sign of future physical features, but she has some major junk in her trunk, and I can hardly fit a #3 diaper on her. Exhibit AExhibit B
She barely squeezes into pants and we might have to settle with dresses, that allow more room. She also had her 5 month birthday, and she is such a great baby. She loves blowing spit bubbles, eating her hands, grabbing everything with arms reach, rolling, screaming for fun - literally high pitch AHHHH! just to let us know she is there. She loves attention is very happy and content if someone is looking at her, but when she feels like she's not getting enough love she can get pretty ticked, pretty fast. I've been waiting, not too patiently, to put Lyv in this cute beany and it finally fits... isn't she such a babe?
Droid: Shawn got a new phone (against all my pleading and begging) and I have to say that he has exceeded my expectations. He is not one of those people who made me hate it to begin with - you know that sits in the room and all they do is play with their phone! BUT, because he has been on call this week it has become attached to his ear! I guess I was very niave about what would be considered an "emergency" for a podiatrist - and I've become very familiar with infection, ulcers, post surgery issues, and the like! Shawn has been saving the world one foot at a time.


Nick and Brent said...

Oh I'm so glad I'm not the only mom who feels that way. Our kids aren't the only ones with good and bad moods! ;) My boys must be like yours, I keep wondering if my two boys will ever like each other and play together, so I'm holding out hope! Love the chubby little girl, so cute!

Ashton & Co. said...

I like the pic of Shawn and Lyv at the end. ;0 That picture of her in the beany is too die for. She has seriously got the sweetest face, and this is coming from a mother with 3 girls of her own!! :) I am so glad to see Jack and Sam getting along so well. I think the will be best friends forever. I can totally relate to those days you have had this week (I am pretty sure any mother can and if they say they can't they are lying.) I wish I was there to relieve some stress!

The Allred Family said...

Fun post Megan. We miss you guys. Wish we were hanging out, plannign some fun get together.

Julie said...

Wow Lyv is a cutie for sure! The boys are adorable as always. I can't wait to see everyone. I am gad to see that the boys are getting along so well. Country kids have to play with each other or alone. Somedays driving to get friends was just not in the picture for me when my kids were growing up. I think it is good for them and helps develop their imagination. Sure miss you all. Love and kisses to everyone!