Monday, September 13, 2010

Stitches - AGAIN!

Poor, Sweet, Head Wound Harry has struck again. At lunch today Jack was throwing a little bit of a tantrum about finishing his food and got a little ahead of himself, tripped and fell, and of course (because it is Jack) whacked his head on the corner of the little stools at the kids table. It was like super slow mo as I watched the whole thing happen, and I thought "oh, no - this is going to be bad!) It wasn't as bad as the stitches he recieved in March due to an incident in the shower, but they had to close the wound with stitches none the less because of the location. He was a trooper, and only cried when they had to give him a local anesthesia (the worse pain ever!). Afterwards he kept telling the nurses and doctor "thank you"! Its a good thing that this happens to him, because he is tough as nails, and such a good sport about waiting in urgent care clinic.

At the end of the day watching the Incredibles, enjoying a sucker and a drink of chocolate milk made everything all better! What do you think, should we invest in a helmet?


Beth Willmore said...

Dang it - poor little buddy! I think you should really consider the helmet idea!

Freeman Family said...

Oh Jack! His poor nogin must be made of steel! Oh scary to watch it in slow mo too! Probably good to get to know the ER docs out there so you get good service every time Head Wound Harry shows up!

Ashton & Co. said...

Oh my goodness! Poor little jack Jack. Give him hugs from me!

Anonymous said...

Poor'd think his mama beat him or something :) I miss you guys too! You guys can visit ANYTIME. Seriously, come next weekend! It's fun watching you guys do a lot of the same things in NY as we did! It's like reliving it for us. P.S. I seriously doubt Jack would keep a helmet on!

Andrea said...

I was thinking about you the other day! I miss seeing your face around town ya know! I hope all is going well for you guys in NY. And poor little Jack. That pic breaks my heart. He is all boy no doubt about it.

Mandi said...

I guess it is a good thing Shawn is a doctor, I am afraid you are going to need an at home urgent care business for that child.